Why Today is a Bad Health Day

I’ve still been having nerve pain in my arm. Joleen worked on it a ton on Friday (I had to reschedule because of the bronchitis, I didn’t want to get people sick since I was still coughing Monday). I thought it’d be okay, but I should have known better; nothing good can come of an hour of nerve massage on a fibromyalgia patient. My muscles feel bruised (she had to work out some knots she thinks are being caused by the nerve pain), my ribs feel bruised, and I vaguely feel like I got bruised in general.

Last week, I also did too much. I’m not a morning person and have to wake up at 6am to get to school on time Tuesday and Thursday. I also had to get new tires on Tuesday so I could get my car emission tested on Thursday. Then I got Dan’s car tested Friday. Wednesday I had Pilates. Friday I saw Dr K for a follow-up on my ear (it’s healed, but I don’t have any wax because my ears get so itchy I compulsively clean them, meaning I’m susceptible to infections, so I have a Rx for drops to make them Artio itching) and then Joleen worked on my arm. Saturday was Cheryl’s (my father-in-law’s love in girlfriend) birthday party, where we ate three of the four food allergens in one sitting (thought it’d only be two, but surprise) then went and saw a movie. Sunday (today) Dan’s friend is coming down with his two kids, his brother (who is actually significantly younger than us), and a friend, so we’re going to the museum. I love his kids, but they’re always crazy high energy and I end up spending a lot of time with them so Dan and his friend can catch up.

And because I have way overdone it, my body is trying to relapse on me. My lungs are tight and my nose is going nuts. And the general bruised feeling isn’t helping.

Well, Tramadol and sleep will hopefully help…

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