Not-Your-Standard Gratitude Challenge

This time of year, everyone is making (and breaking) resolutions. Apparently, 17 days is the average length of time that most people stick to their resolutions. Since this is going up on January 23rd, most of you that made resolutions have probably already given up on them. I have a theory about why that may be, and I don’t think you’re a failure at all.

“Goodbye, resolutions!”

Most resolutions are mean towards ourselves and our bodies. Sure, they sound okay on the surface: “I want to exercise three times a week” or “I want to stick to the/a [insert type] diet this year.” But, why are you making those resolutions? Most of the time, the motivation is “I hate how I look” or “I feel like I should do this” and not “I want to feel better” nor “my body is asking me for this.” If those last two were the actual reasons for wanting to make the changes, then I doubt the resolutions would die in less than a month.

Get to the challenge! (click here)

Easy Natural Lifestyle Tips: Reusable Produce Bags (product review)

Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s already 2019. Last year seemed to go by both extremely quickly, and extremely slowly. 2018 was an interesting year, to say the least. As far as resolutions go, I don’t make them. I find the whole “New Year’s resolution” thing a bit odd, since everyone seems to give up on them by February. Though I don’t do resolutions, I do set intentions and non-specific goals for myself every year. One of my intentions this year is to be more mindful of how I’m living and of my environmental impact. I started talking about easy ways to live a more natural life in this post.

That post was supposed to be the first part of a monthly series on my blog, and then the holidays happened… and suddenly it’s January! I am going to continue the series now that the busyness of the holidays is over and I have time to breathe again. First up is an amazing product that makes “going green” simple (and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg either)!

Read the review!