Yoga and Painting = My Saturday

Yesterday, was a lot of fun! Exhausting, but definitely worth it 🙂

First, we did restorative yoga. Over the course of an hour, we only did about 6 positions, holding each one for quite some time. Apparently, it’s supposed to be good for fibromyalgia sufferers because of the use of props and such (according to The Chopra Center). restorative-yogaUnfortunately, my body didn’t seem to like it much. I think it’s because my body hates staying in one position for very long, and that always aggravates my fibro. It was, however, good for my P.O.T.S since it was all done lying down and there was no physical exertion. Well, I was having to spend a lot of physical and mental energy relaxing the muscles that my body refused to relax (new ones would tense up during poses and so it was a constant game of tag around the muscles). It was nice, however, because being on the floor and using all of the props made some positions a lot easier. I just wish my body was okay with holding positions for long periods of time. I’m definitely feeling it today.


Saturday Nerves

Saturday (today) is a bachelorette party for a friend of mine. We’re going to be doing restorative yoga, dinner, then Picasso and Wine (do a guided painting and you can get a drink while you do it if you want). It should be a lot of fun!


The Fight Against The Invisible


There is a problem with chronic depression.

Well, there is more than one problem. There are several.

But you know what a big problem with it is?

It can honestly be 100% random.


One minute, you can be happy and smiling.

The next minute, you just want to curl up in a ball on the couch and disappear. Sometimes, you’ll even start crying.

Usually, it isn’t quite…

The Snooze Button

When I wake up, I hit snooze until I get out of bed. The amount of times I’ve dozed off and missed something is embarrassing. Today, I’ve hit snooze for almost two hours… Oops. But it goes to show how much energy chronic pain can take out of you. I’m exhausted. I got over 9 hours of sleep.

Crazy Weather = Crazy Body

I’ve been in a LOT of pain recently (see “Why Today is a Bad Health Day“). I thought it was from the nerve massages and being far too busy, but now I don’t think so. I’m still in a lot of pain, and my appointment with Joleen on Monday was really gentle, and I slept most of yesterday.

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Please Keep my Grampa in Your Thoughts

I’m between an emotional rock and hard place.

I’m extremely close with my grandparents. They’ve always been there for me, with games and milkshakes and jokes. I grew up ten minutes away from them, and I spent a ton of time with them while I was growing up. Of course, they’re getting older, and I realize they probably won’t be with me for too terribly long, but I have no idea what I’ll do when I don’t have them there anymore. Hopefully, that won’t happen for a long time. They adore Dan, and he has gotten pretty close with them too!

wedding us with g&g square

But I need your help, to send positive vibes to my grandfather.

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Why Today is a Bad Health Day

I’ve still been having nerve pain in my arm. Joleen worked on it a ton on Friday (I had to reschedule because of the bronchitis, I didn’t want to get people sick since I was still coughing Monday). I thought it’d be okay, but I should have known better; nothing good can come of an hour of nerve massage on a fibromyalgia patient. My muscles feel bruised (she had to work out some knots she thinks are being caused by the nerve pain), my ribs feel bruised, and I vaguely feel like I got bruised in general.

Last week, I also did too much. Way too much! (read more)