My Dysautonomia Awareness Products

As I’m sure you all know, I have a Zazzle store to sell my photography and other things! I also have a wide variety of chronic illness awareness products available for sale, including DYSAUTONOMIA PRODUCTS!!!

I know Dysautonomia Awareness Month is technically coming to a close soon, but we need to spread awareness all year long! I have a great selection of products in my store including:






What other products would you like to see?
Do you have ideas for designs (I’m still experimenting with design software)?
Any [non-copyright] phrases you’d like to see on something?

A Different and Deep Depression

Looking on the “Insights” tab of my stats, it’s clear to see how little I’ve been posting. It’s also extremely clear when you look through my archive. I was looking through my archive the other day, because I’m planning out a blog overhaul (keep an eye out for changes!), and made a startling realization: my posting frequency dropped off significantly with the passing of my grandmother.

Grama and I were extremely close. She was, by far, my closest relative. Since then, I’ve been having an odd kind of identity crisis. I’ve also been struggling with a deep and different kind of depression than I’m used to… I’m used to depression, I’ve been struggling with it for most of my life, but this is somehow completely different. I didn’t even really realize that it was happening until I made the realization about my blog posting and started thinking about it.

wedding us with g&g square

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What is POTS? A Short Video by Dysautonomia International

What is POTS?

  • POTS is an acronym. POTS = Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
  • A type of dysautonomia
    • Dysautonomia = dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system
  • Characterized by a rise in heart rate by 30 beats per minute (or more) within ten minutes of standing
    • or a standing heart rate of 120bpm or more
  • Blood pressure can either increase, decrease, or stay the same
  • A collection of symptoms that can impact every part of your body
  • A life altering condition
    • quality of life analogous to congestive heart failure and COPD
  • Worth fighting!

Video from Dysautonomia International‘s Facebook Page

October is Dysautonomia Awareness Month!

Dysautonomia Awareness Month is here!

I am being quite active this year. I don’t think I was even really aware of it last year, or if I was, I was still kind of embarrassed and confused by my diagnosis so I definitely wasn’t as active and excited about it. But this year, oh my goodness! If you are following me on Facebook or Instagram, or both, you have probably been quite surprised in the uptick of my postings and the sheer amount of turquoise.

By the way, dysautonomia’s official awareness color is turquoise! And, if you also weren’t aware, that is one of my favorite colors and has been for years now, so it’s an awesome coincidence and just makes this even better!!!! ALL THE TURQUOISE! *cough sputter* Sorry about that.


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