The Funk Slump

School has been requiring lots of attention. Life has been requiring lots of attention. And I have been feeling pretty awful.

Stubbed Toe

This guy is goofy and I’m in pain, so I guess it works even though I didn’t stub my toe…

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Short Life Update… because, Insomnia

Mom is leaving to head back to CA tomorrow… actually, today… in, like, 5 1/2 hours. And I’m not sleeping. Oops. I told her I’d make her some maps. So what do I do? Decide I can’t stand the new way that Google prints maps anymore, so I decide to make my own. Now, they turned out really well. But I’m dumb, “Yes, I feel ill… so let’s spend three plus hours making maps from screen shots and typed directions.” Oh well, she shouldn’t get lost at least :-/ Though I suppose their could be random construction detours that weren’t marked… you never know on road trips.


Brain ‘splode!

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Mt Evans – Coming Soon!

Dan and I took Mom up to Mount Evans a little while ago, hoping to see fall color. We actually went on a LONG drive, not just up the mountain, but it was a lot of fun! 🙂 And Dan and I were quite impressed at Mom’s lack of altitude sickness since she’s from about 1700 feet above sea level and Mt Evans is of 14000 feet above sea level! There are people that have lived in Denver their whole lives that can’t function up on top of the 14ers.

Anyway, I’ll hopefully get a post written up soon!

Don’t Worry, I’m Still Alive

I just haven’t been feeling up to doing this (blogging). Which I know means I should, but I just don’t want to. I’m three weeks post-op today! So I figured I’d mark the occasion with a small post filling you in on the last week.

My thoughts have been in a kind of dark funk lately… not things I want to write about though, which is part of why there haven’t been any posts. When my depression freaks out, it kind of takes over, and then I have a hard time doing anything at all.

Temper Tantrum

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The Pain of my Fibro Flares

This is the first time since starting my blog that I’ve had more than basic fibromyalgia symptoms. My fibromyalgia has been mostly under control for at least six months, but it’s kind of hard to tell with all the POTS stuff going on. Some of the symptoms between the two conditions overlap, with chronic fatigue and widespread muscle aches being the two main ones in my case. Towards the end of getting my fibro controlled, I’d been able to identify several of my triggers: injury, bad illness, exhaustion, major over exertion, severe allergy flares (if I haven’t been controlling things very well), sudden shift from warm weather to cold weather (like, from 70F to 40F, which happens in CO on a regular basis), and hurting my feet. Thankfully, many of these triggers need to be paired with others to set off a bad flare.

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Crazy Life… But, Gotta Love It! Right?

Life has been crazy.

  • I’m still recovering and it’s taking a LOT of energy. Though, I’m making major progress on my ear pain and have been able to reduce the pain killers.
  • School. School = homework. Right now: homework = reading multiple chapters. ‘Nuff said.
  • Fibromyalgia is a … unwelcome guest. I was doing so well, too. Oh well, I knew getting my hopes up that this surgery wouldn’t trigger a flare was a bad idea.
  • POTS is also unwelcome, but doesn’t care that I don’t want it around. And my insomnia is flaring up too. Overall, not much fun on the Chronic side of things, and too many unwanted guests hanging around.

So much going on, so many spoons that I want to spend, so many spoons that I don’t have. I also don’t tend to post much on weekends because Dan is home. I adore Dan, and I love spending as much time with him as I possibly can while he’s home. Monday was Labor Day this time, so he was also home; and now he’s on a business trip, so I definitely was not going to be on my computer. I didn’t even turn my computer on Sunday or Monday!

Woh! Record Views!!!

I don’t know what I did, other than publish one post in the late afternoon, but you guys went completely bonkers yesterday! Bonkers in a very good way 🙂 I ended up with 42 total views (yes, I realize that several of you probably get several times that many on average, but I’m a newbie). My previous record was 33. I’m glad that people are reading my blog, and liking what I’m writing. If there is specific content that you’d like to see (or see more of), let me know in the comments!

I’m going to be starting Blogging 101 through Blogging U (from “The Daily Post”) on Monday. Expect some changes and “assignments” to show up on my blog as a result! Maybe someday soon I’ll look at this post and giggle about “how low” the view count was when I got this excited… I suppose we shall see!

Post-Surgery Update, My Version

Warning: Post contains some images of the surgery site, which are kind of graphic looking.

First off, I’ll start by letting you know that the doctor says everything is fine, no complications 🙂 This is good, and I’ll give more details below. I just didn’t want any of you to be anxious while reading!

Lizz sleeping

Just a reminder of how the whole post-surgery recovery stuff started.

I’m going to start at the moment I wake up. I really hate waking up from anesthesia, it’s not like you’re going from dreaming to waking, but a weird and disjointed confusion. You only remember up until the anesthesia/amnesiacs take effect (provided they are administered properly). This time, I was given the amnesiac in the pre-op area. Continue reading